This is so far the most comprehensive guide I have ever come across! Jim and Elena (who are the authors of the program)  are extremely attentive to the slightest detail. They managed to come out with a step-by-step guide which is absolutely easy to follow. 

One wonderful part of this package is that your child will not be forced to learn! Your child needs not go through the painful journey of memorizing words and things like that. The program is engaging and enriching. 

However, there is one thing to take note. The Children Learning Reading Program is not designed for parents with young children between the ages of 2 to 7 years old. It is designed to teach toddlers and small children to read effectively. If your child is able to speak, most probably, your child is ready to read too! 

In this program, you are able to communicate with Jim and Elena if you were to face any difficulties while commencing the program. So, there is no reason why you will fail.